Unsere Auslandspartner in Europa:
Ardooisesteenweg 303 H, B-8800 Roeselare
Tel. 0032/51/203 926
Dialux Gulve A/S.
Industrivej 13B, DK-7700 Thisted
Tel. 0045/979/125 30
ESF - France
64 Avenue de la Richarde, F-81200 Mazamet
Tel. 0033/5/6361 6630
N.S. Marble S.A.
2nd km National Road, Peanias-Markopoulou, GR-19400 Koropi
Tel. 0030/210/6646 920
The Stonepartnership Ltd.
6 Southend, Cold Ash
Berkshire/RG 18 3FA
Tel. 0044/1635/848 606
The Stonepartnership Ltd.
6 Southend, Cold Ash
Berkshire/RG 18 3FA
Tel. 0044/1635/848 606
Stone & Design by Bagnara
Via Stazione 155, 39057 Appiano - Eppan
Tel. 0039/335/273 624
Marmor Hotavlje Proin d.o.o.
Indusrijska 20, 10431 Sveta Nedjelja
Tel. 00385/1618 7078
Pallas Eurotrade GmbH
Lilienthalstr. 6, 93049 Regensburg
Tel. 0941/3996206
Pallas Eurotrade GmbH
Lilienthalstr. 6, 93049 Regensburg
Tel. 0941/3996206
Beversesteenweg 160, B-8800 Roeselare
Tel. 0032/51/203 926
Pallas Eurotrade GmbH
Lilienthalstr. 6, 93049 Regensburg
Tel. 0941/3996206
Möller-Chemie Benelux GmbH
Torenlaan 10a, NL-2215 RW Voorhout
Tel. 0031/2522/202 22
Gerd Christian Pammer
Handelsagentur, Gniglerstr. 30, A-5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0043/664/5344 040
FHU Kamchemia
Elzbieta Dumanska, Kaczkowskiego 41, PL-48-300 Nysa
Tel/Fax 0048/77/4337631
Prodistone Lda.
Rua da Torrinha, 228 Loja G, P-4050-610 Porto
Tel. +351/2220-10330
Flexovit Hungaria Kft.
Dorozsmai ut 48, 6728 Szeged
Tel/Fax 0036/62/462 949
CT-Chemie GmbH
Gewerbestr. 10, CH-3423 Ersigen
Tel. 0041/34/4481 010
Flexovit Hungaria Kft.
Dorozsmai ut 48, 6728 Szeged
Tel/Fax 0036/62/462 949
Marmor Hotavlje Proin d.o.o.
Indusrijska 20, 10431 Sveta Nedjelja
Tel. 00385/1618 7078
Solnhofen Piedra Natural
C/Santa Tecla, 3, tienda 2, E-8012 Barcelona
Tel. 0034/93/4158 661
Stone Trade s.r.o.
Podebradska 744/141
CZ-19800 Praha
Tel. 0042/02/8186 0947
Flexovit Hungaria Kft.
Dorozsmai ut 48, 6728 Szeged
Tel/Fax 0036/62/462 949